Parental Discretion Advised

Guilty of stalking your child’s Facebook page in your spare time? Or poking fun at your mom for that time she asked you what a Facebook wall was? Social networking is bringing an entirely new dimension to family interactions. At Lab42, we were especially curious how parent and child relationships played out on Facebook. We wanted to know exactly how parents communicated with their children on Facebook, and if they had concerns about their children’s use of the site. To get the details, we surveyed parents with Facebook accounts. Check out the results below.

About the Survey
This survey was conducted online via social networks from December 9 – December 12, 2011 among 500 social media users. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated. For complete survey methodology, please contact us at

Jon Pirc

Jon has spent his professional career as an entrepreneur and is constantly looking to disrupt traditional industries by using new technologies. After working at Sandbox Industries as a ‘Founder in Residence’, Jon founded Lab42 in 2010 as a way to make research more accessible to smaller companies. Jon has a Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology from Northern Illinois University.


Client Spotlight: Modea


Social Media & The Changing News Industry