Lab42 Research

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The Power of Mixed methodology Research

Since 2010, Lab42 has been engaging in quantitative research, and we know how valuable and beneficial this research methodology is to businesses.

The ability to gather responses from hundreds, if not thousands, members of a specific audience to capture and analyze the feedback is an incredibly powerful tool that brings new insights, validates ideas, and mitigates risk.

We also know that quantitative research alone is sometimes not enough to get all the information you need. With that in mind, we created the Qual-Quant Mixed Methodology Research Package to take your research to a whole new level.

Below are 5 benefits of conducting a qual/quant mixed methodology research project:

1. Qual provides a level of detail quantitative alone can’t always reach

The greatest benefit to qualitative research as a whole, and why Lab42 expanded to include this offering alongside quant is its ability to gather descriptive, detailed insights. 

When you need to understand the specifics of human behavior, beliefs, and motivations, qualitative research will paint a richer picture.

2. Access to a variety of audiences

Some audiences are so specific they do not lend themselves well to a quantitative methodology. In these cases we can utilize one-on-one interviews to gain insights from hard to find groups which compliments quant research done among larger audiences.

For example, if you’re looking for professionals with a specific title who use a particular software, those interviews would provide you with the details on their experiences.

This, coupled with a broader quant research study surveying industry professionals in general, gives you the details you need while capturing insights on the market as a whole.

3. Informs quantitative research design making it more complete and accurate

One of the keys to writing a quantitative questionnaire is ensuring that the questions asked and answer options presented are comprehensive and accurate.

Respondents can’t answer or select something they aren’t presented with.

Conducting qualitative research prior to developing a quantitative questionnaire gives you the chance to gather insights ahead of time and create the most thorough questionnaire possible before reaching out to the masses.

4. Validates quantitative findings

One on one interviews provide rich information on respondents' thoughts, feelings and opinions, but they are limited in how you can apply those sentiments to a larger population. 

How do you know if feelings shared by a handful of people are still seen on a larger scale? 

Testing those findings in a larger quantitative study gives you that certainty you were missing before.

5. Synthesized findings and recommendations

Utilizing both quant and qual findings isn’t a new practice, but often you need to seek out these services from multiple partners. 

Even if one firm offers both services the results of each endeavor are often reported separately, leaving you with multiple reports to review and the potential for contradictory findings. 

In our combined approach we create a singular report detailing the results of both methodologies making it as simple as possible for you to take your results and run with them!

Lab42’s expansion into qualitative research allows for an even more comprehensive approach to understanding human behavior. By integrating qualitative insights with quantitative data, we help our clients make more informed decisions that are grounded in a deeper understanding of their customers. 

This mixed methodology ensures that the results we deliver are not only data driven, but also rich in context, relevance, and specificity.  

Still have questions? Download our case study or reach out to one of our researchers!