Every three minutes, a food allergy reaction sends someone to the emergency room, and this serious and potential fatal disease is on the rise in homes around the country. Considering food allergies affect 1 in 13 children and often, the entire household is affected as a result, it’s clear that food allergies are having an impact on many more than the 15 million Americans who suffer from them.
Prior to the increased awareness that surrounds food allergies today, food allergy sufferers had few resources available and often had to scour every food label closely at the grocery store to ensure the food they were purchasing was safe.While many still opt to check the food label every single time, there are even more resources and solutions for food allergy sufferers in today’s tech-driven world.
For our latest Lab42 market research study and infographic, we decided to dig deeper to determine how savvy shoppers with a food allergy sufferer in the home are using technology to prepare for their shopping trips and to discover what smart solutions are out there.
Food manufacturers and grocery stores alike can bridge the information gap for consumers by providing more information online for those conducting research in advance and in-store, for the many consumers who read food labels carefully and scour aisles for products that are safe.