COVID-19 and its effects on research

Click here to download the video from Lab42's Webinar: COVID-19 and its effects on research - communal learning while social distancing.

No doubt, the sudden, unexpected global pandemic (COVID-19) took the world by storm, and its effects will result in significant short term and long term changes in our research industry. But we feel one thing is for certain - we must continue to conduct market research to ensure decisions are not made in a vacuum - and even more importantly, are based on facts and data instead of pure emotions.

Below are Lab42's thoughts on research during the COVID-19 crisis.

Research continues:
We need to continue to listen, learn, and understand. If we are to advise decision makers within and outside of our companies, we must have the pulse of the population. It’s more important than ever to keep collecting data! We need to keep a pulse on consumer sentiment and mindset to see when we actually return to normal!

Responses during time of crisis are valid:
Reflect what is going on now - the results may be extreme on certain topics or categories, so they should be treated with caution--not for long term strategy but short term plans.

Qualitative research may be out due to social distancing constraints -- but online quantitative studies can continue

Be sensitive in tone and topic:
No need to keep using the brand voice and business talk - be empathetic and human. Topics like travel, health, gyms etc. may be too sensitive right now, but other categories are still appropriate to gauge

Types of research:
Not all types of research are appropriate at this time. For example, you'll want to avoid projects like brand equity or awareness and usage studies for the time being, as consumers' shopping behaviors are not normal. Other types of research, such as logo, name, concept or message testing, are able to be continued.

These are unprecedented, difficult times, and we understand that market research might not be your top priority right now. But when you are ready to start, know that Lab42 is here to help at any point along the way.

Jon Pirc

Jon has spent his professional career as an entrepreneur and is constantly looking to disrupt traditional industries by using new technologies. After working at Sandbox Industries as a ‘Founder in Residence’, Jon founded Lab42 in 2010 as a way to make research more accessible to smaller companies. Jon has a Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology from Northern Illinois University.


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