Diving deeper into consumer preferences in plant-based food alternatives

Continuing our exploration into plant-based food alternatives in an attempt to better understand the different segment make up within this category, we again used variable-based segmentation analysis to identify different consumer groups and determine who they are and what makes them different.

In our previous blog, we used frequency of purchase to segment plant-based food alternative purchasers into Passionate  and Casual PBA Consumers.

In this analysis, we used WHAT they purchased to group respondents into 2 distinct segments:

Exclusive Plant-Based Dairy Consumers and Exclusive Plant-Based Meat Consumers

(defined as Exclusive Plant-Based Dairy Consumers:  purchased PB Dairy but not PB Meat/ Exclusive Plant-Based Meat Consumers: purchased PB Meat but not PB Dairy). 

Our analysis indicated that despite similarities in some demos and reasons for consumption, there are also a few areas that differentiate these 2 groups.

Though different messaging may be needed to communicate what is important to these consumers, the channels of purchase and communication are similar.

Plant-based Dairy Only

Females, of all age groups in a relationship, employed with mid incomes.

They are frequent purchasers and consumers of plant-based dairy foods. That said, plant-based foods may not be a holistic diet choice for them as in addition to plant-based dairy, they are mostly more likely to purchase plant-based snack like foods. 

They consume plant-based foods mostly because of perceived health and nutrition benefits: it makes them feel healthier, helps improve gut health, provides an adequate amount of protein, provides them with additional vitamins and minerals, and allows them to avoid allergens or food intolerances.

They find information about new and trending PB alternatives from the grocery store or by word of mouth from friends and family.


·      Of all generations


·      Mid income


·      White, non-Hispanic

 Relationship status

·      More likely to be in a relationship (Dating, married, engaged, or living with significant other)


·      Primarily have no kids


·      More likely to be employed (full time, self-employed, or part time)

Purchase in addition to dairy

·      Snack bars

·      Crackers

 Frequency of purchase and consumption

·      Purchase plant-based dairy a few times a month or more

·      Most consume plant-based dairy a few times a week or more

 Reasons for consumption

·      Makes them feel healthier

·      Provides an adequate amount of protein

·      Helps improve gut health

·      Provides additional vitamins and minerals

·      Allows them to avoid allergens or food intolerances

Plant-based Meat Only

Though mostly females, a third of this group are males and cut across all age groups. Skew slightly single, slightly not employed, and with mid to lower incomes.

They are less frequent purchasers and consumers of plant-based meats, but perhaps are open to trying more types of plant-based foods as in addition to plant-based meats, they are more likely to purchase plant-based foods like cauliflower rice, pizzas, frozen prepared meals, and plant-based pasta.

They consume plant-based foods for perceived health and nutrition benefits but also sustainability and feeling of belonging: it makes them feel healthier, provides an adequate amount of protein, helps reduce their risk of heart disease, provides them with more sustainable food sources, and makes them feel like they belong to a group of like-minded people.

They find information about new and trending PB alternatives from the grocery store or by word of mouth from friends and family.


·      Of all generations


·      Mid to lower income


·      White, non-Hispanic

 Relationship status

·      Slightly more single (separated, divorced, single, or widowed)


·      Primarily do not have kids


·      Half not currently employed (retired, students, homemakers, or unemployed)

 Purchase in addition to meat

·      Cauliflower rice

·      Frozen pizza

·      Frozen prepared meals

·      Zucchini pasta

 Frequency of purchase and consumption

·      Most purchase plant-based meat a few times a month or less

·      Most consume plant-based meat once a week or more

 Reasons for consumption

·      Makes them feel healthier

·      Provides an adequate amount of protein

·      Helps reduce risk of heart disease

·      Provides them with more sustainable food sources

·      Makes them feel like they belong to a group of like-minded people

Infographic comparing exclusive consumers of plant based dairy and plant based meats

Jon Pirc

Jon has spent his professional career as an entrepreneur and is constantly looking to disrupt traditional industries by using new technologies. After working at Sandbox Industries as a ‘Founder in Residence’, Jon founded Lab42 in 2010 as a way to make research more accessible to smaller companies. Jon has a Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology from Northern Illinois University.


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Plant based food alternatives: A variable-Based segmentation analysis