Lab42 Research

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Super Bowl XLVII is right around the corner, and while many are planning for parties, prepping in the kitchen and placing bets on which Harbaugh brother will claim victory in the ‘Bro Bowl’, the question still remains: will advertisers bring their A-game during the coveted $3.5 million 30-second commercial spots?Consumers certainly hope so.

According to the 500 American adults we spoke with about the Super Bowl, they prefer the Super Bowl commercials to any other part of the event, including the game itself, with 39 percent of respondents citing commercials as their favorite aspect. The football game was the runner-up, with 28 percent saying it was their favorite.Interestingly, there was an evident contrast between men and women on this point: 41 percent of men prefer the football game, while women were the biggest fans of commercials, with 44 percent favoring them to any other aspect of the Super Bowl. Still, over one third of men said the commercials were their favorite part of the Super Bowl.

We also gauged consumer perceptions comparing Super Bowl advertising to ads throughout the rest of the year. Seventy-two percent thought Super Bowl ads were funnier than standard commercials, while 57 percent thought they were more creative, and 21 percent said more memorable.

Given consumers’ preference for commercials, it’s not surprising that they will do anything to watch them, even if that means taking a restroom break during the game. Thirty-eight percent would rather use the restroom during the game, while 23 percent prefer to go during the commercials.With social media, the long-lasting effect is more powerful than ever. More than one third of respondents shared a Super Bowl commercial via social media, and 69 percent said they have re-watched a Super Bowl commercial online.